APPO Update 2012

Posted by on December 26, 2012 in APPO News, News | 0 comments

Dec 25, 2012

To the members, friends and supporters of APPO: thank you for visiting our site! I have updated the site to include pictures from our last few events.

I would also like to update you on APPO News.

We were very saddened at the loss of one of our Board members, Johnny Brawner MD who was a retired general surgeon from St John Westshore. He will truly be missed!

We are currently in the process of planning Sampaguita Ball and CME for May 4, 2013 Saturday. It will be held at the Beachwood Hilton. Please put a note in your calendar and join us for our biggest fund-raising and social event of the year. I am pleased and delighted that Romy Tolentino and Cecelia Lansang, both board members, have agreed to chair the event. In addition, Roy Flores will chair the CME. We are also recruiting speakers for the CME and hope to make this CME rewarding, educational and informative.

Mission news 2013: The next mission is set for Olongapo City, Philippines for Feb 4-8, 2013. We have close to 100 mission volunteers including physicians, CRNAs, nurse practioners, and non-medical personnel. Under the leadership of Carmencita and Armando Damian, the mission plans are finalized and 40 boxes of supplies (most from Medwish) have been shipped. We are all excited and looking forward to this humanitarian mission!A� if you want to help in anyway, you can do so by donating a small amount of $25. any donation will help us cover all the pre-op costs and additional costs of tests that patients may need during the week. Donation information here.

Election/officer information:A� there was no formal election this year. Due to changes in our bylaws, the officers are finishing their 2nd year terms until 2013 and only a few board members needed to be replaced. We had 3 vacancies this year. I am happy to report that Ferdinand Apolonio MD, Annie Tan MD and Hazel Veloso MD have agreed to serve a one year term. They are relatively new members to APPO who can provide a new and different perspective to our organization. In November 2013 , we will have a formal election for only board members and from the board members, the officers will be chosen. Everyone will serve a 2 year term. This is a big change from previous election processes. please email me at if you’re interested in running next November 2013!

I would also like to invite you to help support PNAO (Philippine Nurses Association of Ohio) in their next endeavor. They will be holding the PNAA National Convention here at the Renaissance hotel:

July 24-28: Wednesday to Sunday
Theme: a�?Strategic, Synergistic Social Actiona�?
A�This is extremely exciting for PNAO and we are proud of Pina Deleon, 2013 President and officers for being selected to host such a huge event. APPO has been invited to sit on some of their panels on health care reform and other topics and we plan on having a booth at their event.
We are also on facebook so please like our page!
I would like to wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Jessica Strasburg MD
APPO President

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